This is a central metadata index of all of the data available in IMPACT from our federation of Providers.
If you were hoping to find specific data, but didn't please contact us at and we will see if we can make it available to you.
Note: You must log in to request data.
Anonymized traffic from a DDoS Attack ... This dataset contains approximately one hour of anonymized traffic from a DDoS attack on August 4, 2007 (20:50:08 U...
Hourly compressed pcap files of raw IPv4 packets of unsolicited traffic captured by the UCSD Network Telescope instrumentation. ... The dataset contains near...
A SYN flood DDoS attack ... Traffic contains a SYN flood DDoS attack on one target (IP address and background traffic. The DDoS traffic comes...
DoS DNS Amplification Attack ... This dataset contains one DNS amplification/reflection attack, staged by researchers between two sites (USC/ISI, Marina ...
Timeseries of 80 DoS attacks ... The dataset has one millisecond granularity timeseries of 80 denial of service attacks captured at Los Nettos in 2002.
Set of 3 DoS attacks from 2002 ... This dataset contains three attacks. The first attack is a reflector attack that sends echo reply packets targeted to a vi...
The dataset represents scanning traffic from Mirai observed at B-Root ... The dataset represents scanning traffic from Mirai observed at B-Root. It inclu...
SSDP reflection attack ... About 3 hours of DDoS attack traffic to a victim in the form of Argus flows. Most of the attack traffic is UDP Simple Service ...
Mirai scanning observed at a regional ISP ... The dataset represents flows that match the Mirai scanning signature. It includes CSV files showing informa...
A malware DDoS attack ... The dataset contains background traffic and a malware DDoS attack traffic that utilizes a number of compromised local hosts (wi...
First-time boot-up traffic of multiple IoT devices ... First-time boot-up traffic of multiple IoT devices located in a LAN network. Traces are captured a...
tcp syn attack with background traffic ... This tcp syn attack was captured by a large hosting service. The attack lasted 22 sec and the attack packet ra...
SSDP reflection attack ... About 3 hours of DDoS attack traffic to a victim in the form of Argus flows. Most of the attack traffic is UDP Simple Service D...
Artificial traces with uniform attacks ... This trace set contains 16 trace pairs created in August 2007 using background trace data recorded in December...
The Internet Topology Data Kit (ITDK) contains data about connectivity and routing gathered from a large cross-section of the global Internet ... This ITDK w...
Ark data for studying Internet topology ... This dataset contains information useful for studying the topology of the Internet, collected by a globa...
DoS TCP SYN/ACK trace ... This dataset contains one attack, or possibly backscatter from a DoS attack. All packets of the attack are TCP SYN/ACKs, many i...
Emulated attacks in enterprise traffic ... These traces were created by monitoring an emulated DoS attack from a single known source to single known targ...
attack on UDP port 22 ... This short (8sec) attack was captured by a large hosting service. The attack consists of very short packets (15 bytes) sent to ...
FRGP Continuous Flow Data ... Daily Argus files with flows on a 1Gb/s link between and Century Link/Comcast. Has traffic from several academic in...
IPs for h-scans of the network telescope ... This dataset contains IP addresses that conduct horizontal scans of UCSD's network telescope. We use Bro's de...
The ASes clustered into 9 organizations ... This dataset identified the ASes beloging to 9 large Internet organizations. We determined these ASes by manu...
NTP reflection attack ... 3 months of daily Network Time Protocol (NTP) traffic in the form of Argus flows. The IP addresses are fully anonymized using a...
Domain names for IP addresses in Ark traces ... The IPv4 Routed /24 DNS Names Dataset provides fully-qualified domain names for IP addresses seen in...
This dataset provides information about geographical locations encoded in BGP Community attributes. ... This BGP Community Dictionary Dataset focuses on Loca...
A collection of router IP addresses geolocated to the city level. ... A collection of router interface IP addresses geolocated to the city level. 11,857 IP ...
This dataset contains information about the Denial-of-Service (DoS) activity seen in the UCSD Network Telescope. ... This dataset is aggregated from the unid...
This dataset contains information about the Denial-of-Service (DoS) activity seen in the UCSD Network Telescope. ... This dataset is aggregated from the unid...
B root traffic for DITL 2018 ... This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. For a dataset...
NTP reflection attack ... 3 months of daily Network Time Protocol (NTP) traffic in the form of Argus flows. The flows are on a 10Gb/s link between a regio...
First-time boot-up traffic of multiple IoT devices ... First-time boot-up traffic of multiple IoT devices located in a LAN network. Traces are captu...
Data for the Witty Worm outbreak ... Information useful for studying the spread of the Witty worm, as observed by the UCSD Network Telescope over ...
Announced BGP prefixes from RIPE and RouteViews BGP data gathered with BGPStream. ... We use BGPStream to gather announced BGP prefixes from RIPE and RouteVi...
This dataset created in April 2017 contains information about geographic locations of interconnection facilities, and Autonomous Systems that have peering in...
Border routers owned by the network hosting Ark VPs with the connected neighbor routers ... This dataset consists of a set of border routers inferred ...
B root traffic for DITL 2018 ... This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved i...
US's Internet 2 traffic for DITL 2008 ... This is the collection of anonymized IP header data collected by an academic ISP for about 48 hours on March 18...
On-going measurements at Los Nettos ... Scrubbed (user data removed) and scrambled (fully anonymized) packet traces taken at a border router between USC ...
Week-long TCP SYN records ... This dataset consists of passively collected traffic from the LANDER project. Contains TCP SYNs and was used in 2008 to stu...
Mapping from ASes to organizations ... This dataset provides a mapping from ASes to organizations, i.e., identifies which ASes belong to which organizati...
Mapping from ASes to organizations ... This dataset provides a mapping from ASes to organizations, i.e., identifies which ASes belong to which organizati...
Links between ASes and subsidiaries ... This dataset provides a linking between ASes and company subsidiaries. It is derived from WHOIS database and Form...
bottleneck trace at USC Internet2 link ... This trace set contains 24 trace pairs gathered on Dec. 2nd, 2004. A pair of traces was gathered every hour fo...
CAIDA's ranking of Autonomous Systems (AS) and organizations ... This interactive tool presents the BETA version of AS Rank, CAIDA's ranking of Autonomous Sy...
IPv4 address taxonomy for 24 addr blocks ... We infer utilization of the IPv4 address space and taxonomize //24 address blocks by analyzing and cross-correla...
This dataset consists of hourly files of unsolicited traffic captured by the UCSD Network Telescope traces and aggregated into the FlowTuple format. ... Raw ...
Active probes to classify addr blocks ... This derived dataset is derived from 2 survey datasets and 1 ISC dataset. It contains survey information and IS...
10-day operational traffic from 14 IoT device. ... 10-day operational traffic from 14 IoT devices. All IoT devices are initially off and get boot up...
Sample packet headers from LANDER ... This is a one hour packet header trace taken at USC by the LANDER project. User data and non-packet headers are rem...
2 days of IP flows in 2009. ... This dataset contains IP flow records spanning two days in a modified Argus format. The durations of flows are ranging fr...
2017 NC Cyber Defense Competition, Zeek output ... This dataset is Zeek output from packet captures from the 2017 National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competiti...
Passive TCP headers to eval p2p ... This dataset consists of passively collected traffic from the LANDER project. Contents are TCP SYNs, FINs and RSTs an...
Study of new methods for P2P detection ... This dataset consists of passively collected traffic from the LANDER project. Contains TCP SYNs, FINs and RSTs...
Active and passive service discovery ... This dataset consists of passively collected traffic from the LANDER project and active nmap probe data collecte...
DNS CHAOS data for all Root Letters ... This dataset is the DNS CHAOS measurements towards all DNS Root Letters from Nov 30th to Dec 1th, 2015. The Inter...
analysis of tcp resets on provider link ... trace collected at a provider link in order to study the prevalence of tcp resets in the Internet.
B Root load reports for the day of 2017-05-15 ... This dataset reports queries and good and bad replies in hour-long periods per prefix (/24 or /48) for ...
Anonymized passive traces taken at a west coast OC48 peering link for a large ISP in 2002 and 2003 ... This dataset contains anonymized passive traffic trace...
B root traffic for DITL 2016 ... This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. For a dataset...
B root traffic for DITL 2017 ... This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. For a dataset...
DNS Backscatter Data ... This dataset contains analysis of DNS backscatter from M-Root from DITL 2014 and Sampled data for 9 months.
Experimental data measuring how recursive DNS servers select authoritatives"in the wil" ... This data set contains captures of DNS queries towards a test...
Henya: CAIDA's large-scale Internet topology query system ... Henya is CAIDA's large-scale Internet topology query system which provides a remote search of t...
Scripts for IP Hitlist generation ... We have developed a set of map/reduce processing scripts that run in Hadoop to consume our Internet address censuses an...
2 days of IP flows in 2009. ... This dataset contains IP flow records spanning two days in a modified Argus format. The durations of flows are ranging fr...
2 weeks of IP flows in 2010. ... This dataset contains IP flow records spanning two weeks in a modified Argus format. The durations of flows are ranging ...
2 weeks of IP flows in 2010. ... This dataset contains IP flow records spanning two weeks in a modified Argus format. The durations of flows are ranging ...
Two months of aggregated data from the U ... This dataset contains data from darkspace observations in the first six months of 2012. The data has ...
Reverse DNS IPv4 ... Reverse-DNS mapping information for all of the IPv4 address space.
Reverse DNS IPv4 ... Reverse-DNS mapping information for all of the IPv4 address space.
Reverse DNS IPv4 ... Reverse-DNS mapping information for all of the allocated IPv4 address space.
Mapping Googl's infrastructure. ... This dataset enumerates all known google front-end IP addresses, and clusters them into datacenters and sites. It doe...
t-DNS: Connection-Oriented DNS exp. data ... Experiments measuring performance of using DNS over TCP and TLS
Information about UDP packets captured during the Sipscan event (Jan-Feb 2011) ... The sipscan release dataset contains detailed information about each UDP p...
DNS and traceroute, PlanetLab to TLDs. ... This PlanetLab to TLDns probes dataset was generated on 2012-04-02. It contains DNS queries for CHAOS TXT"host...
DNS probes from rDNS servers to AS112. ... This rDNS to AS112 probes dataset was generated on 2012-05-04. It contains DNS queries for IN TXT"hostname.as1...
B Root load reports for the day of 2017-04-12 ... This dataset reports queries and good and bad replies in hour-long periods per prefix (/24 or /48) for ...
Manage babarchives, checksumed directory trees that can be validated ... Babarchive is a system to manage babarchives, checksumed directory trees that can be...
Active probes to classify addr blocks ... This derived dataset is derived from 2 survey datasets. It contains survey information for IP addresses. Survey...
Cloud Availability ... Measure the availability of cloud services with different probing method (ICMP vs. HTTP)
source code for content reuse detection paper ... This repository contains the code and pointers to datasets used in the paper "Precise Detection of Content ...
C/C++ Library/tool for IP address anonymization ... CryptopANT is a C library for IP address anonymization using crypto-PAn algorithm, originally def...
Tool for scrubbing packet traces ... Dag Scrubber is our tool for scrubbing packets of user data and optionally doing IP address anonymization. It supports b...
B root traffic for DITL 2013 ... This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root for about 48 h...
B root traffic for DITL 2014 ... This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root for about 36 h...
B root traffic for DITL 2015 ... This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. For a dataset...
B root traffic for DITL 2016 ... This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. For a dataset...
B root traffic for DITL 2017 ... This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. For a dataset...
B root traffic for DITL 2013 ... This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved i...
B root traffic for DITL 2014 ... This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved i...
B root traffic for DITL 2015 ... This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved i...
B root traffic for DITL 2016 ... This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved i...
B root traffic for DITL 2016 ... This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved i...
B root traffic for DITL 2017 ... This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved i...
B root traffic for DITL 2017 ... This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved i...
extract DNS traffic from pcap to text with optionally anonymization ... Dnsanon reads pcap files, extracts DNS traffic, and writes it to several plain-text t...
Dnsanon_rssac is an implementation of RSSAC-002v2 processing for DNS statistics ... Dnsanon_rssac is an implementation of RSSAC-002v2 processing for DNS stat...
ARGUS flow data ... Daily Argus files (see ) with flows on a 10Gb/s link between and a content ISP. Has traffic from s...
Hadoop reader/format for census/survey data ... A plugin for Hadoop that parses icmptrain output from our ipv4 censuses and surveys.
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... This group of datasets consists of all Internet-wide sweeps, mostly using PING packets (ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST). All ...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
TCP, ICMP effectiveness probing hosts ... During this experiment 1 million of random allocated IP addresses were probed using a single ICMP ECHO_REQUEST and ...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated b...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated b...
TCP probe census of alloc IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated ...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
Standing request for ping census of IPv4 ... Applying to this standing dataset, will allow researchers to get the latest IPv4 census datasets as the...
Standing request for ping census of IPv4 ... Applying to this standing dataset, will allow researchers to get the latest IPv4 census datasets as the...
Standing request for ping census of IPv4 ... Applying to this standing dataset, will allow researchers to get the latest IPv4 census datasets as the...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...
ping census of allocated IPv4 addresses ... To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocat...