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Patch Tuesday Dataset
External Dataset
UCSD - Center for Applied Internet Data Analysis
UCSD - Center for Applied Internet Data Analysis
52 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions

Blackhole Address Space Data
blackhole address space data


Two months of aggregated data from the U

This dataset contains data from darkspace observations in the first six months of 2012.
                  The data has been preprocessed (aggregated) with the Corsaro Software Suite, and is split into
                  files that each contain one hour of data. For each hour we provide one file with flow
                  information in the Corsaro FlowTuple format, and one file containing the source type
                  analysis in the Corsaro Smee format (the corresponding FlowType and Smee Corsaro plugins
                  are required to read the files).

Additional Details

analysis, applied, center, ucsd, dataset, patch, patch tuesday dataset, tuesday, 381, 2012, anonymized, ucsd - center for applied internet data analysis, aggregated, months, corsaro, file, hour, smee, files, format, split, plugins, flowtype, software, suite, provide, preprocessed, source, blackhole address space data, type, blackhole, required, read, darkspace, space, flow, observations, flowtuple