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CAIDA UCSD IPv4 2013 Census Dataset
External Dataset
UCSD - Center for Applied Internet Data Analysis
UCSD - Center for Applied Internet Data Analysis
51 (lowest rank is 57)
IPv4 address taxonomy for 24 addr blocks
We infer utilization of the IPv4 address space and taxonomize //24 address blocks by analyzing and cross-correlating the following measurement datasets, all collected between July and October 2013: 4 types of passive traffic traces (from a darknet, an academic ISP, an IXP, and a residential ISP), 3 types of active measurements (ICMP ping, HTTP GET, traceroutes), BGP data, IPv4 address allocation data, and derived data about geolocations and ASes.
The methodology is described in the paper A. Dainotti, K. Benson, A. King, B. Huffaker, E. Glatz, X. Dimitropoulos, P. Richter, A. Finamore, and A. Snoeren, /"Lost in Space: Improving Inference of IPv4 Address Space Utilization/", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), 20i6.
Each /24 address block in the dataset is classified as /"ietf-reserved/", /"used/", /"routed unused/", /"unrouted assigned/", /"available/" and is labeled with the Autonomous System Number that announced in BGP the longest network prefix containing that address block.
This dataset can be used to infer utilization of the IPv4 address space by Registries, ASes, and countries, to provide more realistic routed address space metrics used for estimates of the size, degree, type, or maliciousness of ASes, and to improve the accuracy of analysis of address blocks transfers in the grey market.
Additional Details
ucsd, 2013, analysis, center, applied, ipv4, dataset, caida, caida ucsd ipv4 2013 census dataset, 608, census, ucsd - center for applied internet data analysis, blocks, taxonomy, addr, space, ases, utilization, infer, routed, block, isp, types, bgp, king, estimates, traffic, selected, taxonomize, labeled, improving, announced, market, unrouted, degree, traces, improve, http, passive, huffaker, cross, snoeren, methodology, ixp, dainotti, derived, benson, paper, network, correlating, traceroutes, ietf, 20i6, october, grey, prefix, classified, address space status data, countries, system, provide, size, reserved, unused, active, july, geolocations, accuracy, collected, registries, icmp, type, analyzing, lost, jsac, assigned, metrics, residential, glatz, maliciousness, darknet, autonomous, ieee, richter, realistic, dimitropoulos, finamore, measurements, status, inference, ping, datasets, measurement, communications, journal, transfers, academic