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Witty Worm Dataset
External Dataset
UCSD - Center for Applied Internet Data Analysis
UCSD - Center for Applied Internet Data Analysis
40 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions

Blackhole Address Space Data
blackhole address space data, computer worms, malicious traffic


Data for the Witty Worm outbreak

Information useful for studying the spread of the Witty worm, as observed by
                  the UCSD Network Telescope over a 5-day period in Mar 2004. Data available
                  include IP address and hostname lists: time, duration, and country distributions:
                  flow files: and raw packet traces containing all observed Witty worm traffic.
                  Possible uses include modeling worm propagation and using real packet traces
                  to validate algorithms for detecting or classifying malicious traffic.
                  Statistics: 104GB (uncompressed) of traces containing 997 million packets,
                  55,909 infected IP addresses.

Additional Details

ucsd, applied, center, analysis, worm, witty, 384, dataset, witty worm dataset, 2004, ucsd - center for applied internet data analysis, anonymized, outbreak, traces, traffic, packet, observed, include, validate, statistics, blackhole, network, duration, malicious, infected, time, spread, 104gb, mar, blackhole address space data, algorithms, telescope, country, flow, day, 997, hostname, space, packets, modeling, period, studying, raw, files, detecting, lists, propagation, classifying, distributions, real, uncompressed, 909